Tips for long flights/jetlag

Okt. 02, 2023

How best to deal with jet lag and look after your body during long flights

Long-haul flights can be an exciting way to explore the world, but they can also have an impact on our bodies. Jet lag occurs when our bodies have to adjust to the time difference and can lead to fatigue, sleep disturbances and general discomfort. What's more, a long flight can also put a strain on our bodies and throw us off balance. But don't worry, we have some tips and tricks on how you can manage jet lag and take care of your body during the flight!

Coping with jet lag:

1. Plan in advance

Before you travel, find out how many time zones you will be crossing and adjust your sleep pattern accordingly. Try to adapt to the new time zone a few days before your flight by slightly adjusting your sleeping and eating habits. This way, your body will be better prepared when you arrive at your destination.

Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water during the flight, as the dry air on the plane can dehydrate your body. However, avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks as they can further dehydrate you and disrupt your sleep-wake cycle.

Let light in

Once you reach your destination, try to soak up as much natural light as possible to wake up your body and restore your natural day-night rhythm. Avoid naps during the day to avoid further disrupting your sleep patterns.

Adapt to the new time zone

Try to adapt quickly to local sleeping and eating times to signal to your body that its internal clock needs to change. Resist the urge to lie down when it is not yet night and eat at the usual meal times at your destination. Keep busy during the day to avoid the temptation to fall asleep prematurely.

Body care during the flight:

1. Stay active

Try to stand up and move around during the flight to stimulate circulation and prevent potential travel thrombosis. Stand up, stretch and occasionally do light exercises to activate your muscles.

Hydration is the key

The dry air of the plane can dry out your skin. Wear a moisturising face mask and use a rich moisturiser to keep your skin hydrated. Also, don't forget to drink water regularly to hydrate your body from the inside out.

Comfortable clothing

Wear loose, comfortable clothing that does not restrict you and allows you to feel comfortable on the plane. Choose shoes that are easy to take off to avoid swelling of the feet.

Do not forget eye care

Eye strain from the screens and artificial light on the plane can cause dryness and irritation. Apply eye drops to hydrate your eyes and relax them regularly by closing your eyelids for a few minutes.

Travelling often involves long flights and time zone changes, but that doesn't mean you have to be uncomfortable. By following the tips above, you can reduce jet lag. Travel in style and comfort and make the most of your adventure! Give your body time to adjust and be patient with yourself. It is important to note that not all tips will work for everyone and individual adjustments may be needed depending on the person and travel experience. We recommend speaking to a doctor for more specific advice.

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